First man going to space - Turns into woman halfway

Caption: Captured by satellites: The moment the man turned into a woman
Author: Panda S. Thompson
Published: 2024-04-24 13:56
| Updated: 2025-02-08 18:26
Around evening time (GMT timezone) Tuesday the 23rd of April 2024, a mysterious figured appeared out of the Southward-family deep well. This stranger approached the family leader, Bjorn Southward, who was promptly invited to partake in a homemade rocket experiment.
A comment by Bjorn Southward after being launched into space:
"He then told me to use a long shaft on it"
Bjorn goes on to explain that he was accidentally transformed into a woman during the space flight;
"After the countdown ended, he told me to use the round stone on it. And suddenly I was flying into space! I was so excited, I turned into a ginger woman!"
We congratulate Bjorn on being both the first male and female astronaut going to Space, taking the evolution of our families one step further into the future.
A comment by Bjorn Southward after being launched into space:
"He then told me to use a long shaft on it"
Bjorn goes on to explain that he was accidentally transformed into a woman during the space flight;
"After the countdown ended, he told me to use the round stone on it. And suddenly I was flying into space! I was so excited, I turned into a ginger woman!"
We congratulate Bjorn on being both the first male and female astronaut going to Space, taking the evolution of our families one step further into the future.
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Apollyo -
(Comment ID: 13)
Good for her! It's never too late do discover yourself!
Posted at: 2024-05-21 19:55
Rina Rupright -
(Comment ID: 14)
Posted at: 2024-05-23 00:57
Lexan Volpe -
(Comment ID: 54)
Late reply, but congrats on the transition!
Posted at: 2024-11-17 13:02