Robots walking among us?
Caption: Artistic liberties were taken with certain ear attachments.
Author: Hopie
Published: 2024-06-29 00:13 | Updated: 2025-02-08 18:21
A strange sight was spotted in the Greengrass family during the late hours of June twenty ninth. All berry bushes were uncharacteristically well nourished; even the most dedicated berry munchers could not eat them all. As a bush tried to languish in front of the OHOLCurse team, a woman named Hope pounced on its tending with inhuman speed. All attempts to communicate were met with silence. Witness Ollie Greengrass had the answers. "This is Ellabot," he told our team. "She's gotten smarter." The next time you spawn in a town with perfect berry bushes, ask yourself, was this done by humans or something stranger?
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tifaclocxii - (Comment ID: 45)
Robot is cool.AI nowadays is so good
Posted at: 2024-07-14 08:33
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