Haunted Shoe Shop Closes for Good

Author: D. Shermer
Published: 2025-01-30 18:40
| Updated: 2025-02-19 02:24
Sol, Jungle – After years of eerie encounters, Sole Shoe Shop has shut its doors permanently, with customers blaming the ghost of Yara Sol—the shoemaker’s deceased daughter.
Employees reported strange occurrences: shoes rearranging overnight, whispers in an empty shop, and untied laces. The final straw came when a pair of Indigo Wool Booties was found tiptoeing around the store—without anyone inside them.
Despite cleansing attempts, the hauntings persisted. The owner of Sole Shoe Shop has not been available for comment, but a sign now hangs on the door: "GONE FISHING."
It is currently unknown weather the successful business Sole Shoe Shop will return in a different town, or under a different name.
Employees reported strange occurrences: shoes rearranging overnight, whispers in an empty shop, and untied laces. The final straw came when a pair of Indigo Wool Booties was found tiptoeing around the store—without anyone inside them.
Despite cleansing attempts, the hauntings persisted. The owner of Sole Shoe Shop has not been available for comment, but a sign now hangs on the door: "GONE FISHING."
It is currently unknown weather the successful business Sole Shoe Shop will return in a different town, or under a different name.
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tuurdburglansson -
(Comment ID: 59)
The foreshadowing with the worms in the upper picture is excellent; what a cool shop and great story
Posted at: 2025-01-30 17:11
Hopie -
(Comment ID: 60)
Sole Shoe Shop is so aptly named. RIP shoe ghost, enjoy the phantasmal fish.
Posted at: 2025-01-31 15:46