Game statistics for last 7 days
2025-01-24 to 2025-01-17
Player Statistics
Minutes played
429 257
Lives played
19 173
Unique accounts
1 346
Eve Statistics
Eves born
Eve movement west
Family Statistics
Arctic lives
4 690
Language lives
4 756
Jungle lives
5 337
Desert lives
4 384
Gender Statistics
Females born
11 755
Males born
7 412
Top 10 Trusted Players
Placement Leaderboard name Amount
#1 Gennaro Zipf 205
#2 Jordynne Supp 190
#3 Zalan Taphorn 120
#4 Bostynn Osmer 100
#5 Vic Dimola 96
#6 Rafat Boyette 96
#7 Zariya Upadhyaya 91
#8 Dwight Gloss 85
#9 Keleah Vertefeuille 75
#10 Tryton Boose 74
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